Precision Agronomy
Precision agriculture is a crop management concept based on observing, measuring, and responding to crop and soil variability.
Precision ag technologies are becoming increasingly popular as the tools become smarter, more economical, and easier to use. With precision agriculture, a grower can reduce their environmental impact and become more sustainable while also maximizing their return on investment.
County Farm Centre has been providing precision ag services since 2012. Since then we have learned a lot and expanded our products and services to meet grower demand. Precision agriculture isn’t just for large operations. County Farm Centre can show you cost-effective ways to implement these technologies into your operation whether it’s 200 acres or 2000 acres.

Why should I consider using Precision Ag?
There are three popular reasons why growers should consider implementing precision ag in their farming operation.
- Push yields to the next level – using the grower’s collected data, fields can be broken into zones and managed at a sub-acre level, pushing every square-foot to its maximum potential
- It’s environmentally responsible – fertility is applied where it is needed and reduced in areas where it’s not, preventing leaching and run-off. Supporting Ontario 4R nutrient management stewardship
- Increased efficiency – Adding a technology like auto-steer to your planter or combine can quickly save thousands in wasted fuel, seed and fertilizer.
County Farm Centre’s Role

County Farm Centre will work with you to find the best solution for your growing requirements. These are the precision services we provide:
- Grid Soil Sampling
- Combine yield and moisture calibration
- Yield map and soil test analysis
- Zone management
- Planting population prescriptions
- Variable rate fertilizer application prescriptions
- Return on investment mapping
- High resolution field imagery
- Climate FieldView®
- Training on precision ag technologies and software
At County Farm Centre, we want to see our customers become more profitable and to do that they need to increase yield by investing the right dollars in the appropriate place. We help them achieve that.
We would love to meet with you and discuss your needs. Contact Lucas to schedule an appointment.